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In a world driven by data, metrics, and efficiency, the value of curiosity often gets overshadowed. However, in a recent interview conducted by Tedi Bezna, CEO of Searchlight Digital, with Carol Sachowski, founder of Storycoaching Inc., we were reminded of the profound impact that curiosity can have on both personal and professional growth.

From the outset, Carol’s upbringing set the stage for a life filled with curiosity. Growing up in a multicultural environment and surrounded by parents who encouraged exploration, Carol’s journey toward understanding others began at a young age. This foundation laid the groundwork for her eventual career path as a business coach, where she helps individuals and organizations harness the power of curiosity to drive success.

Throughout the interview, Carol emphasized the role of curiosity in fostering deeper connections, promoting innovation, and navigating challenges. She shared personal anecdotes and practical strategies for cultivating curiosity, whether it’s through asking thoughtful questions, embracing vulnerability, or reframing conflicts as opportunities for understanding.

One of the key insights Carol shared was the importance of values in guiding curiosity. By aligning our curiosity with our core values we can approach life’s challenges with authenticity and purpose. Whether it’s in personal relationships or corporate settings, curiosity becomes a tool for building trust, fostering collaboration, and driving meaningful change.

Moreover, Carol highlighted the transformative potential of curiosity in leadership. By encouraging a culture of curiosity within teams and organizations, leaders can unlock untapped potential, inspire innovation, and cultivate a sense of shared purpose. Through exercises like the “question circle,” as Carol explained to Tedi, leaders can empower their teams to explore new perspectives, challenge assumptions, and uncover hidden insights.

As the interview drew to a close, Carol left us with a powerful reminder: curiosity is not just about seeking answers; it’s about embracing the joy of discovery and the wonder of the unknown. In a world that often values certainty and predictability, cultivating curiosity becomes an act of courage—a willingness to lean into the unknown and embrace the journey of lifelong learning.

Carol’s insights serve as a compelling call to action for individuals and organizations alike. By embracing curiosity as a guiding principle we can unlock new possibilities, foster deeper connections, and embark on a journey of growth and self-discovery. So let us heed the wisdom of Carol Sachowski and embark on our own quest for curiosity, knowing that the journey itself holds the greatest rewards.

Curiosity isn’t just a trait; it’s a mindset—a way of approaching the world with openness, wonder, and a thirst for knowledge. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us remember to cultivate curiosity in ourselves and in those around us, for it is through curiosity that we truly discover the beauty and richness of the human experience.

Listen to the podcast, watch the interview on YouTube and connect with Carol today!

In a world filled with external pressures and societal expectations, the voice within ourselves often becomes our harshest critic. This inner dialogue, commonly referred to as the “Inner Meanie,” can significantly impact our personal and professional lives, hindering growth and self-empowerment. In a recent interview with Tedi Bezna, Carol Sachowski, founder of storycoaching inc., delved into the intricacies of this phenomenon, offering profound insights and practical strategies for navigating and challenging our inner critic.

Carol Sachowski, a seasoned business executive coach, founded storycoaching inc. with a mission to foster healthier, values-based approaches to business and life pursuits. Drawing from her extensive experience, she emphasized the prevalence of self-criticism in both personal and professional spheres. Through her comprehensive services ranging from leadership training facilitation to coaching and organizational consulting, Carol has witnessed firsthand the detrimental effects of the Inner Meanie on individuals’ self-worth and performance.

During the interview, Carol and Tedi explored the origins and impacts of the Inner Meanie, highlighting its pervasive presence in various aspects of life. From childhood experiences to societal influences, the Inner Meanie thrives on self-doubt and negative self-talk, undermining individuals’ confidence and resilience. However, Carol emphasized the importance of recognizing and challenging this internal narrative to foster a more compassionate and empowering mindset.

Central to Carol’s approach is the concept of self-awareness and values alignment. By encouraging individuals to reflect on their core values and beliefs, she facilitates a deeper understanding of their inner dialogue and its underlying triggers. Through practical techniques such as emotional intelligence assessments and mindfulness practices, Carol guides her clients toward self-discovery and self-compassion, empowering them to rewrite their internal narrative.

One key takeaway from the interview is the transformative power of self-compassion and self-empowerment. Rather than succumbing to self-criticism and doubt, individuals can cultivate resilience and confidence by embracing their inherent worth and potential. By reframing negative thoughts and embracing a growth mindset, they can navigate challenges with grace and authenticity.

In essence, Carol Sachowski’s insights offer a beacon of hope amidst the tumult of self-doubt and negativity. Through her compassionate guidance and actionable strategies, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, reclaiming their inner light and embracing their full potential. As Carol aptly concludes, “We all deserve to be here. We all have the opportunity and responsibility to make a difference.” Let us heed her wisdom and embark on a path of self-compassion and empowerment, challenging our Inner Meanie with courage and grace.

Listen to the podcast, watch the interview on YouTube and connect with Carol today!


As the calendar turns to a new year, many of us find ourselves caught up in the whirlwind of resolutions, goal-setting, and the pressure to achieve big things. It’s a common narrative – the New Year’s rush to create ambitious to-do lists, set colossal goals, and embark on a quest for self-improvement. While there’s nothing wrong with aiming high and working toward our dreams, sometimes the intensity of these aspirations can leave us feeling overwhelmed and joyless.

In a refreshing and enlightening conversation, Carol Sachowski, a seasoned Executive Coach and HR leader with over three decades of experience, introduces us to the concept of “New Year Nurture.” Rather than diving headfirst into a frenzy of goal-setting and ambition, Carol encourages us to take a step back, breathe, and approach the new year with a sense of nurturing.

Carol founded storycoaching inc. in 2003, driven by a deep commitment to healthier, values-based approaches to both business and life pursuits. Her journey has involved supporting individuals, both independently and within various communities, to define their career paths and foster workplace well-being. Her services encompass leadership training facilitation, coaching, HR, organizational consulting, mentoring, and guest speaking.

In her conversation with Tedi Bezna, CEO and founder of Searchlight Digital, Carol delves into the essence of New Year Nurture. She advocates for the idea of starting the year with gratitude for the past and a focus on self-care, relationships, and the positive aspects of life before diving into the heavy task of setting and achieving ambitious goals.

One of the key takeaways from their discussion is the importance of aligning our goals with our core values. Carol emphasizes the need to identify what truly matters to us personally and professionally, rather than succumbing to external pressures or unrealistic expectations. By doing so, we can ensure that our goals are not just ambitious but also deeply meaningful and fulfilling.

Additionally, Carol highlights the value of setting intentions rather than just goals. Intentions, she explains, create a more intimate and meaningful connection with our aspirations. They allow us to focus on the journey, savoring the process rather than fixating solely on the end result.

The conversation also touches on the significance of small, daily practices that promote self-nurturing. These practices can include meditation, stretching, or simply taking moments of quiet reflection. By incorporating these activities into our daily routines, we can cultivate a sense of calm, improve our well-being, and enhance our problem-solving abilities.

Ultimately, Carol Sachowski’s message revolves around the idea of self-care, kindness, and intentionality. She encourages us to embrace the art of slowing down, nurturing our minds and bodies, and aligning our goals with our values. In doing so, we can find greater balance, joy, and fulfillment in the new year and beyond.

As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of 2024, let’s heed Carol’s wisdom and embrace the concept of New Year Nurture. By prioritizing self-care and aligning our goals with our values, we can embark on a journey of personal growth and well-being that will serve us well throughout the year and beyond.

Listen to the podcast, watch the interview on YouTube and connect with Carol today!

Gratitude is an emotion that transcends boundaries, influences perspectives, and has the potential to transform our lives. In a recent interview with Executive Coach and HR Consultant Carol Sachowski, hosted by Tedi Bezna, we had the privilege of delving deep into the significance of gratitude and how it shapes our personal and professional journeys.

Carol Sachowski, the founder of storycoaching inc., has dedicated her career to promoting healthier, values-based approaches to business and life pursuits. Her journey into the realm of gratitude began in high school, influenced by a series of books on self-development and personal growth. In those early days, long before coaching and the internet era, Carol was drawn to literature that emphasized relationships, mindfulness, and kindness.

As she navigated the complexities of high school, Carol learned the importance of valuing relationships and appreciating the people who surrounded her. High school, with its diverse mix of students, cliques, and peer pressure, often mirrors the challenges faced in the workplace. This early exploration of gratitude and relationships laid the foundation for Carol’s future work in coaching and consulting.

Carol’s perspective on gratitude is refreshingly holistic. She believes that emotions are neither positive nor negative but serve as indicators of our internal states. By recognizing and understanding our emotions, we gain valuable insights into ourselves and our surroundings. Gratitude is not about manufacturing false happiness but appreciating our current circumstances and the journey we’ve undertaken thus far.

One striking aspect of Carol’s approach is her emphasis on capturing and acknowledging the full range of emotions, especially during challenging times. She encourages her clients to document their emotional experiences, acknowledging the presence of sorrow and loss when they occur. Through this process, individuals can navigate their experiences, gain wisdom, and find gratitude in unexpected moments, even in adversity.

In the interview, Carol shared heartwarming anecdotes from her family, illustrating the power of gratitude in personal relationships. Her mother’s tradition of sharing stories about her students’ acts of appreciation during the holiday season exemplifies how expressing gratitude can create strong bonds and lasting memories.

For those who are skeptical or resistant to gratitude practices, Carol offers pragmatic advice. She suggests using alternative terms like “appreciation” to make the concept more accessible. She also advocates for creative expressions of gratitude, such as using video or photography to capture meaningful moments. By finding approaches that resonate with each individual, Carol helps clients tap into the transformative potential of gratitude.

Moreover, Carol highlights the importance of slowing down in a culture obsessed with constant progress. Taking a moment to pause, reflect, and appreciate our journey can enhance our overall well-being and satisfaction. This perspective aligns with the idea that gratitude can be a source of joy at every step of our endeavors, not just at the finish line.

In summary, Carol Sachowski’s insights into gratitude are both profound and practical. Her journey from high school to a successful coaching career demonstrates the lasting impact of embracing gratitude. By recognizing the full spectrum of emotions and finding personalized approaches to gratitude, individuals can cultivate resilience and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives. Carol’s wisdom serves as a reminder that gratitude is not just a fleeting emotion but a powerful force that can shape our narratives and lead us toward greater happiness and success.

Listen to the podcast, watch the interview on YouTube and connect with Carol today!

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